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Contact the Elderly is a national charity running a national 'Campaign to End Loneliness' this week. Since 1965 it has believed reaching out to those experiencing social isolation in older age – and their helpers – can have major benefits.

The group's plan of action is simple, effective and rather touchingly British. It arranges monthly tea parties for small groups of older people and other volunteers within their community. By this means, people of all ages are brought together, making friendships and networks of support.

All well and good, only there's a snag. Closer to home, here in Edinburgh, the charity is currently experiencing real problems in finding volunteers to drive and accompany older people, once a month, to Sunday teas. (The charity also seeks twice per year hosts for these parties.)

'Anyone who can spare a couple of hours one Sunday a month, has a driving licence, a car, and a capacity for drinking tea, is eligible!' says Regional Organiser Morna O'May. 'It’s not a big commitment, and our volunteers genuinely get as much out of the experience as our older members.'

So, Broughton: Do you have what it takes to put the drive back into Darjeeling? The social oomph into Oolong?

If you'd like to help Contact the Elderly, first contact Morna O'May on Tel. 01786 871264 or email



[Image courtesy of Petr Kratochvil.]