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Multrees Walk management statement – 21.10.10

Submitted by Editor on

Below is the full text of the statement put out by Multrees Walk management on 21 October 2011.

Following an incident recently when visitors to Multrees Walk were approached by contract security staff and prevented from taking photos we have been asked to review our policy and have done so.

We would like to confirm that photography is not banned at Multrees Walk and that people doing this will not be stopped unless they are conducting a professional photo-shoot or filming, in which case they will still need permission from Centre Management in advance.

Members of the public taking photos for their own use should be allowed to continue and we will be instructing our security staff accordingly.

The safety and security of our visitors and occupiers is of paramount importance to us and we work closely with Lothian and Borders Police as the threat of crime and terrorism is ever present, nevertheless we recognise that what happened in this case was not appropriate.

We want to apologise to the individuals who were involved last week.


Useful background research into the legal status of Multrees Walk was carried out by The Edinburgh Reporter on 22 October and can be viewed by following this link.