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Can any reader identify the source of the words in the window of Concrete Wardrobe on Broughton Street? 

What looks like a quotation accompanies Charlotte Duffy’s latest Christmas cardboard creation – a tree and somewhat windswept man carrying a ladder – and reads: ‘He didn’t understand why we bring trees inside – so he left it where it was.’ 

A quick Google search throws up no answers, although it vaguely reminds Spurtle of something out of Guy de Maupassant.

Of course, if ‘he’ had only read Alison Barnes in volume 56, issue 12 of History Today, many of his questions would have been answered. 

Christmas trees first came to Britain when George III’s wife Charlotte arrived from Meklenberg-Strelitz in 1761. She brought with her several childhood customs, including decorating a yew branch in the home. This private ritual she transformed into:

... a more public celebration that could be enjoyed by her family, their friends and all the members of the Royal Household.

Queen Charlotte placed her yew bough not in some poky little parlour, but in one of the largest rooms at Kew Palace or Windsor Castle. Assisted by her ladies-in-waiting, she herself dressed the bough. And when all the wax tapers had been lit, the whole Court gathered round and sang carols. The festivity ended with a distribution of gifts from the branch, which included such items as clothes, jewels, plate, toys and sweets.

Fawning members of the nobility soon aped the German custom, and it gained even more popularity after 1845 when sycophantic newspapers began covering Prince Albert’s annual festive efforts to burn down the various royal apartments with ever more ambitious arrays of lit candles. 

Similar cosy effects can be achieved today without the need for naked flames, German accents, moustaches or tight-fitting trousers. Simply leave your Christmas fairy lights on all night and some mulled wine warming on the hob ready to welcome McDonald Road's finest.

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The artist emails: 'This is just something from my head I'm afraid! I've ways found it a bizarre tradition.' You can see more of Charlotte Duffy's work at Waste of Paint Productions.