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Paper-party-hats-off to City of Edinburgh Council, whose kerbside Christmas tree recycling scheme appears to have run with clockwork-like efficiency this year! 

And paper-party-hats-off to all those residents who successfully dragged their festive evergreens out into the cold, leaving behind a million needles on common stairs and pavements which we shall all still be scrunching into each other's carpets come Easter at least! 

And finally, paper-party-hats back on again to all those locals who signally failed to understand this most obvious of common-sense arrangements and have unnecessarily gone to the effort of discarding their trees in shady corners and little visited cul-de-sacs or other people's back-greens. 

Special mention this year must go to one unknown numpty on Broughton Road. Look again in detail at our photo below, and marvel at the sheer chutzpah or idiocy of whoever has sneaked an artificial conifer into a pile of genuine ones.

Dear sir or madam, you are a marvel.


 Martha Vail You forgot to mention the tree at the York Street tram stop. No residences near there, just the church. Someone had to *drag* that tree there.