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Discerning, thought-provoking, pre-trend and with a nice line in self-deprecating humour, I Like Local has recently arrived in South East Spurtleshire via Århus, Dublin and Lisbon. 

Begun in 2009, it's a rather superior monthly blog written by ‘freelance visionary’ Aideen McCole, who regularly purveys ‘fine design enthusiasm’ plus musings on architecture and the arts.

Life Story on Broughton Street (or London Street, for purists) was picked out in April for particular attention.

This month it's Scottish Brutalism and the pleasures of concrete after time spent amid so much historic Edinburgh sandstone.

McCole does not like staying in one place very long, and there is every chance she and ILS will decamp to somewhere equally well designed quite soon.

So, we say: enjoy her Edinburgh posts while you can.

Do you know of an interesting blog with a vaguely Broughton bent? Tell us by email on Facebook Broughton Spurtle or Twitter @theSpurtle