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City of Edinburgh Council's 'Modernising Waste Team' seek your opinions on how to handle rubbish collection and recycling in the city.

Inevitably, at the heart of the survey are questions concerning wheelie-bins and their alternatives in the World Heritage Site.

You can either fill in the questionnaire online here (it takes about 10 minutes) or download the pdf at the foot of this page and return it by hand or post to any CEC office/library. A Council 'Factsheet' is also available at the foot of this page. The deadline for returning forms is 10 January 2011. Responses will be evaluated to help model waste collection trials, scheduled for the Spring.

Although we have doubts about the wording in some places (particularly Question 2), there is space to qualify one's answers and the exercise is generally a useful one. We suspect it may be particularly welcomed by those unwilling or unable to attend CEC consultations organised through local residents associations.

For further information contact or Tel. 529 7310.

Can any reader enlighten us about Question 3, where attaching helium balloons to black bin-bags is mentioned as a seagull deterrent. Presumably the gulls burst the balloons, inhale, and begin squawking in such hilariously high-pitched tones that they forget to peck open the plastic. Where has this brilliant scheme been tried?