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‘Concept’ plans for the demolition of 52–52a Annandale Street and their replacement by flats went on display this afternoon for public consultation.

The ideas have been worked up by planners Jones Lang LaSalle and architects Covell Matthews for the Glasgow-based developer Westpoint Homes.

Some 120 bedrooms in 60 flats are proposed with five storeys (including a penthouse) above ground-floor level. There are 47 car parking spaces intended on-site, and five on-street visitor spaces.

Affordable housing would comprise 25 per cent of the development (15 units, marked in yellow in the plan below), run by a housing association, and would definitely feature here on the site rather than being hived off to some run-down backwater in deepest Leith. We welcome that assurance.

Despite being higher than the former Standard Life call centre, because the proposed new structure is set further forward there should be no loss of daylight for the buildings behind on Hopetoun Street.

Spurtle has no particular objections to what we saw today. The new building would not be out of proportion with its neighbours, or represent a glaring mismatch in terms of architectural style.

It appears to restore the building line on Annandale Street, would result in the loss of no mature trees and – if anything – would bring a little more planting to the area.

From what we could see at this stage, it appears to be a good use of the space, and is remarkably ungreedy about the housing density it proposes on so central a site with good nearby transport links. The plans are certainly an improvement on the tedious shed they replace.

We’re not entirely clear about how many flats will have how many bedrooms in the final draft. We would hope for an eventual mix which encourages a range of residents, from singles, to couples to young families.

All in all, though, we give the scheme a cautious thumbs-up at this stage and look forward to seeing the detailed proposals whenever the full application is submitted.

The plans will remain on display today at No. 52 Annandale Street until 6.30pm. If you can’t make it along, they will be on show again from 2.00–6.00pm on 26 August at Covell Matthews’ office at 6 Manor Place.

Have you viewed the plans? Please tell us what you think by email: or Twitter: @theSpurtle or Facebook: Broughton Spurtle