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The Howe Street-based LGBT Centre for Health and Wellbeing has launched LGBT Age, a new service targeted  at lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Edinburgh and the Lothians aged over 50.

Comedian, TV presenter and local resident Craig Hill has joined Shirley-Ann Somerville MSP, and other Scottish LGBT celebrities Edwin Morgan and Horse MacDonald, in hailing the initiative.

'I think the idea of LGBT Age is inspired,' commented Hill. 'Much of the elderly community in general feels lonely with no connection to the "real world".  I think this is exacerbated if you're elderly and LGBT because not only do you feel that you maybe don't "fit in" or have anything in common with your elderly compatriots but you also feel like the younger gay community has left you behind.'[img_assist|nid=978|title=|desc=|link=node|align=right|width=197|height=200]

LGBT Age will coordinate with mainstream services to raise awareness of issues affecting older LGBT people and provide them with the culturally appropriate and sensitive services they need.

Specifically it will focus on: creating social opportunities, outings and events to improve networks; promoting a vounteer befriending scheme to offer one-to-one support; providing information on LGBT and mainstream support/services, housing and legal matters.

An advocacy service will help indivduals with situations such as getting health and social care services. It will also challenge discrimination, including age discrimination within the LGBT community itself.

Craig Hill observes that 'Many LGBT people are single as elderly people and do not have family to fall back on.  In their case this LGBT Age scheme would truly be a lifeline and "the family" we all need around us as we grow older. I fully endorse and commend their work and am full of admiration for their care and understanding. Please support them and help LGBT elderly people go into their senior years with dignity, pride and grace.'

To deliver the service fully, LGBT Age seeks help from 'committed and enthusiastic individuals' throughout the LGBT and wider communities. They need publicity across Edinburgh and the Lothians, and are looking for volunteers of any age (18+) to become befrienders.

To get involved or find out more, contact Garry McGregor, LGBT Age Coordinator, Tel. 652 3282 or at Further information is also online at: