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On 15 March, City of Edinburgh Council will launch a Building Restoration Grant Scheme to meet up to 75–90% of costs incurred in restoring or reinstating traditional architectural features in Leith.

Priority will be given to properties in Constitution, Great Junction, and Bernard Streets, with maximum possible awards of £15,000. The idea is to encourage small to medium-scale improvements to the appearance of features such as doors, windows, railings, slate roofs, and walls, plus shopfronts not covered by a complementary scheme already in existence.

Grants are available until the end of this year, and grant-aided works must be completed by the end of 2011.

Financed by the Heritage Lottery Fund's Townscape Heritage Initiative, the scheme will launch with a drop-in public meeting at 6–8pm on 15 March at South Leith Parish Halls, 6 Henderson St. Further information, advice and application forms will be available.

For more details visit