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Submitted by david on

David Sterratt, Chair of Drummond Parent Council, writes:

On Monday 29th May, Jodie Hannan joined Drummond Community High School as Headteacher. She has taken over from acting Headteacher Sue Cook, who had been seconded from Leith Academy since August 2014.

Jodie was a Depute Head at Dunfermline High School for almost five years, where she was Head of House for 400 of Dunfermline’s 1,550 pupils.

Previously to that, she was a Curriculum Leader of History. As Depute Head she was committed to learning and teaching and the best possible experience for young people in school by raising standards and attainment, and developing staff and pupil leadership.

She is now very much looking forward to working with Drummond’s community to do the same.

Jodie is excited by the vibrancy and diversity of Drummond, and the support and opportunities it offers its young people. Jodie, and the Parent Council, are looking forward to her taking Drummond from strength to strength.

Sue Cook
Goodbye and thank you

At our AGM on Wednesday, Drummond’s Parent Council thanked Sue Cook for her hard work over the past 22 months.

Sue took over at short notice due to Norma Prentice’s sudden secondment to Castlebrae CHS. Despite the uncertainty of not knowing how long the secondment would last for, Sue has been helping Drummond to develop, with innovations such as the Careers speed-dating and the very successful Diversity Day.

She’s built strong relationships with staff, pupils, parents and the community, and has dealt gracefully with a number of challenges, not least the recent closure due to building defects.

Parent Council has especially appreciated her wholehearted support for our work to try to remove charges for practical subjects (cookery and craft) for less well-off pupils.