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Drummond Community High School's 'new' Head Teacher Norma Prentice outlined a year of challenges and successes at Tuesday's Celebration of Achievement and Prize Giving Ceremony.

A firm believer in the effectiveness of partnership-working between home and school, she thanked staff, students, parents, carers and friends in the community, and spoke of her excitement at joining a school which is already doing well but where the best is yet to come.

'Often, we feel: Why bother? Why go through all this study? Who cares?

'The answer is here tonight. We care; we care about hard work. We care about perfection. We care about trying.'

All schools face tough times in today's economic climate, but Prentice is confident about the quality of Drummond's educational provision, particularly its leading role in the forthcoming Curriculum for Excellence.

A full version of the Head Teacher's speech is in Extras (17.6.10).

This year's guest was Scottish mountaineer and quadruple amputee Jamie Andrew. We'll report on his inspiring route to physical and psychological recovery in Issue 184 (out on 1 July).