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In the light of today's publication of the Referendum White Paper, make of these what you will.

Our photos show St Andrew Square, where the former British Linen Bank by David Bryce recalls former imperial confidence on a colossal scale.

The six figures on the parapet – still proudly considering the future, perhaps, or alternatively wondering whether to jump – represent Navigation, Commerce, Manufacture, Science, Art and Agriculture.

They were sculpted by Alexander Handyside Ritchie (1804–70). His statue of Queen Victoria stood outside the Palace of Holyroodhouse until its removal in 1859 and repositioning beside the Theatre Royal at the top of Broughton Street. What happened to it there after the disastrous fire of 1865 is unclear. See Alice Lauder's article in the Broughton History Newsletter (Summer 2007). 


They're waiting to go on the Star Flyer