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As we predicted in Issue 200 ('New Town wheelie bins – an open and shut case?), City of Edinburgh Council looks set to phase out black bin bags across the World Heritage Site.

A report, 'Modernising Waste Collection in the World Heritage Area', based on the pilot scheme which began in September 2010 will now go before the Transport, Infrastructure and Environment Committee on 29 November.

It will recommend complete phasing-out of black bin bag collections in the city centre and their replacement by communal wheelie-bins (or gull-proof bags where appropriate).

The report will also recommend that pilot arrangements now be made permanent. Consultations will take place with residents and others about siting and methods in areas which have not yet experienced 21st-century rubbish disposal.

A Council press release issued this lunchtime states that evaluation of the pilot found the highest level of customer satisfaction was with communal containers (91 percent), followed by gull proof bags (87 per cent).

'Both methods proved effective in reducing litter from household waste, while an assessment by Edinburgh World Heritage and Historic Scotland showed that with careful consideration to location and siting, both forms of collection would be appropriate for the World Heritage Site.'

You can read the full report by following this link then clicking on Long Report Template releease 7.0.


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Black bin bags to go...Pity, I enjoyed the 'Bronx circa 1978' look of local streets


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It's crazy that they didn't introduce the weelie bins after the last pilot/trial 3–4 years ago! It's simply much more convienent to be able to put your bin bags in the bin whenever you like, rather than keep them in your house till bin day, when the contents of them can then be strewn all over the pavement. I can't understand why anyone would think bin bags was a better option? Perhaps people think that rubbish on the streets and rats scurrying about gives the area that authentic olde worlde 'world heritage' look?