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Planning permission has been given for Warriston Community Tennis Club’s construction of a full-sized tarmacadam tennis court and adjoining mini-court in the south-east corner of Council-owned Warriston Playing Fields (Ref. 13/02168/FUL). 

The courts (36.6m x 18.3m and 17m x 8.5m) will be enclosed within a 2.8m-high metal mesh and situated in a triangle of land next to the Northern Bowling Club.

The site – described by WCTC as ‘too small and awkward to be used for most organised sporting activities’ has remained unused since the adjacent bowling greens were laid out in 1890.

Some locals objected to the proposal back in April because they thought tennis players would in future complain about poor light, leaf-drop and root damage, leading eventually to the cutting-back or felling of nearby trees. The site lies within the Inverleith Conservation Area.

However, after repositioning the proposed courts away from the trees, these potential difficulties have been avoided. Councillors on the Development Management Subcommittee visited the site and were satisfied that it would not adversely affect neighbours’ amenity, at least in any ways over which Planning has control.

The question of whether the courts were public or private and who would be allowed to use them was not a material consideration for Planning.


Lord Bodo’s – the characterful but currently dormant bar at 3 Dublin Street – has been granted a Certificate of Lawfulness to use not only the current ground floor area as a pub (with basement loos), but also other areas within the main building (Ref. 14/02762/CLE).

To date, those other areas, as well as cellars under the pavement, have been used for storing furniture, embarrassing monkey tails and other rubbish.

As we understand it, the Council decision will clear the way for substantial refurbishment of the premises, and may extend the cosy 37.9 sq.m. floorspace enjoyed by customers until recently.

The bar replaced a hairdressing salon here in January 1973, and was known until 1996 as Leerie’s Lamplighter.