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At long last, provisional Council plans for where to site on-street waste containers in the New Town and West End are about to be issued. Spurtle has accessed them ahead of schedule.

Streets affected in Spurtleshire are: Albany Street, Baxter's Place, Bellevue Crescent, Blenheim Place, Cornwallis Place, Dublin Street, Dublin Street Lane North, Dundonald Street, Gayfield Square and Street, Howe Street, Jamaica Street, Nelson Street, Royal Crescent, St Vincent Street, Scotland Street, Summer Bank, Union Place and York Lane.

You can see in detail where the wheelie bins may go by downloading the pdf maps below.

Spurtle understands that deciding where to position the containers owes more to the local ratio of owned to letted properties than to any architectural aesthetic. Practical considerations therefore tend to favour bags for east–west contours and containers for north-south slopes. 

The proposals – affecting the New Town and West End – were issued on Friday to a select circle of local politicians, community councils and interested others. In accordance with the terms of the Local Authorities’ Traffic Orders (Procedure) (Scotland) Regulations 1999, recipients were told that the Council plans minor amendments to waiting restrictions in order for the wheelie bins to be positioned. The plans below were included as attachments to an email.

Recipients of that email and attachments were asked to comment within 3 weeks. Some of them correctly thought Spurtle would like to see them earlier than proposed by the Council, and we are happy to extend the same courtesy to our readers.

At this stage, formal objections are not invited. That point will come later, at 'an early date' once the plans have been released to a wider public.

Spurtle has long supported introducing wheelie bins to the New Town provided flexible criteria for their siting be found which match local aspirations and experience with effective waste collection. Where no such match can be found, we lean towards prioritising effective waste collection and public health.

The disgraceful patchwork of stomach-turning middens which spoils much of the Edinburgh World Heritage Site at present should not continue.

What do you think of the latest plans? Any good? Complete rubbish? Tell us by email: Twitter: @theSpurtle  Facebook: Broughton Spurtle


Reactions on Facebook

    Fraser Cook about time. Quite why any sane person would think rubbish strewn streets and rat infestation is more in keeping with a world heritage site, is beyond me!
    Claire Innes What a random selection of streets! I am peeved to see that our street will remain a bag street. Campaign for bin equality on east/west streets too!