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A Council press release issued this lunchtime trumpeted how the long-awaited new system of communal bins and gull-proof bags will be introduced in the New Town and West End in June and July this year.

After years of trials, consultations, false starts (Breaking news, 18.3.13; 23.3.13), assertions, counter-assertions and rubbishing of each other's opinions, it appeared that Council officers and New Town residents had at last  reached some kind of agreement on waste management in the World Heritage Site.

Unfortunately, enquiries by the Spurtle soon revealed this was not the case.

Transport and Environment Convener Lesley Hinds was quoted in the press release as saying residents' concerns had been 'carefully balanced with the need to preserve the historic charm of the city centre, the need to ensure that Edinburgh remains as litter-free as possible and the practicalities of providing an efficient waste collection service'.

However, when we asked to see a map or street-by-street list detailing the new arrangements, we were directed to a Council webpage where there were ample details of Old Town solutions but none for the New Town. Instead, only the now familiar PR version of embarassed coughs and shuffling feet:

'We are finalising the bin locations with resident groups in the New Town and West End . We are looking to roll out either communal bins or gull-proof sacks in these areas from June, to be complete by July 2013.'

We are finalising ... We are looking to roll out. Clear as fog, and as reliable.

Puzzled by what seem to be nebulous aspirations dressed up as hard news, we contacted the Council again this afternoon for clarification. A spokesperson later confirmed:

'... some community engagement is being carried out at the moment with regards to where to site bins or bags in the New Town, and the streets will be published when this is finalised.'

New Town gulls, it seems, may rest easy in their nests: Situation Normal, All Flocked Up.

Are we being too harsh? Tell us what you think by email: Twitter: @theSpurtle  Facebook: Broughton Spurtle