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Submitted by Editor on

Remember this from last month? 

The New Town Clean Streets campaign first brought it to our attention via Twitter – a lorry with generator and illuminated sign that sat on yellow lines in Hanover Street, blaring out music all day. 

Apparently, parking attendants were under the impression it had been granted an official dispensation. 

Few passers-by were impressed, and those in neighbouring offices soon tweeted that they’d been driven round the bend by the din for much of 13–19 January.

Spurtle went straight to the top and asked City of Edinburgh Council Leader Andrew Burns if he knew what was going on.

Thanks to his intervention, we now have an explanation (see below – we've redacted the names of individual CEC officers).

So there you have it. It appears to have been nothing more than a bit of Barnum & Bailey-style marketing bluster, intended by someone with nerve to big-up the number of bums on seats at a local theatre.

Only it probably didn’t work. As Becca Hussman commented on Twitter … 


@theSpurtle @AndrewDBurns @Beckstoere Actually I understand wardens had been told by bosses to turn blind eye.

Paul Paul ‏@fountainbridge

Wonder how many of these non-official "official parking dispensation" things are happening? Edxmas, now this

Since posting this – – we've had several allegations about parking regulation/enforcement in Spurtleshire. On it.