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The driver of this car had a lucky escape in the New Town last night.

He was turning downhill into Nelson Street at around 7.00pm but misjudged the angle of the junction. 

Although travelling at slow speed, he told Spurtle, the 2-ton Mercedes was uncontrollable after hitting the high kerb. The vehicle mounted the pavement and ploughed through ground-floor railings on the other side.

Fortunately it came to rest before hitting the building or crashing into the basement below. 

Neither the driver nor any residents or passers-by were hurt. Four police officers attended.

The vehicle proved remarkably awkward to get out afterwards, but was eventually recovered at about 9.30pm.

Small groups of locals watched from the sidelines, tutting helpfully, speculating about the state of the axle, and coming up with ever more unlikely explanations for what had happened.

Until railings are restored, Spurtle advises pedestrians to take care when turning left here out of Abercromby Place.