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Submitted by Editor on

This sorry-looking specimen on McDonald Road has a story to tell. But what is it? 

With a week still to go before Christmas, it speaks perhaps of a Festive enthusiast who peaked too early. Jaded and overjingled, has she or he now retired under the duvet to wait for the spring? 

Or maybe its former owner is an ardent soul who consumes seasonal celebrations like a flame through brandy. Should we instead look for this individual – shaking and clammy – by the shelves of some local supermarket, feverishly comparing Valentine’s Day cards or chocolate Easter eggs? 

Local resident David Sterratt, who found the abandoned evergreen yesterday and is curiously adamant that he has nothing whatever to do with it, has an alternative explanation. He claims to have sought the opinion of passing Waste Collection operatives who – after expert perusal, much tutting and stroking of beards – concluded that the tree had probably sat abandoned in some nearby back green for the past 11 months.

It is, therefore, and by some considerable margin, the winner of Spurtle’s Late Presented Christmas Tree Award 2013–14. Congratulations to the person or persons responsible. Your lack of organisational skills is an inspiration and a comfort to us all.

For details of City of Edinburgh Council's 'Festive rubbish and recycling collections' this year, visit the website here.


@theSpurtle McDonald Rd Xmas tree, from photos, cannot be >1yr old. More likely some sort of domestic dispute over tinsel/no tinsel, I fear.