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Submitted by Editor on

The New Town and Broughton Community Council today responded to the Council's draft (Tranche 1) Traffic Regulation Orders on how Edinburgh streets will change because of  trams.

The TROs are being rolled out in three 'tranches': (1) proposed changes along the tram route itself; (2) changes along adjacent routes intended to cope with displaced traffic; (3) changes to cope with unforeseen consequences of the first two tranches.

Patrick Hutton (NTBCC's Transport Convener) has delved long and deep into the complicated minutiae of these arrangements, and resurfaced with – among other points –  reservations about how the plans might affect Broughton.

As a result, the NTBCC:

  • cannot give unqualified support to all Tranche 1 TROs without knowing for sure that Tranche 2 TROs adequately deal with resultant problems. NTBCC will not sign a blank cheque
  • requests the Council reconsider the proposed ban on right-hand turns into Blenheim Place (Issues 178–9, 'Extras' 19.2.10)
  • has proposals for speeding traffic-flow around Picardy Place by repositioning tram stops
  • questions whether an obstructive west-bound bus-lane proposed for York Place is an accidental survivor from some earlier plan.

Hutton's full letter can be viewed in 'Extras' (19.3.10).