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As predicted on Friday, Duddingston House Properties Ltd and Urbanist Hotels Ltd have now submitted a proposal of application notice (PAN) to the Council for the former Royal High School at 5–7 Regent Road (Breaking news, 16.1.15). 

In their own words, they propose a ‘world-class hotel of international standing’:

The proposed development would involve a high quality conversion and restoration of the original Thomas Hamilton designed school building and pavilions.

This would accommodate the principal hotel entrances, reception, dining and bar areas.

The former gymnasium, gatehouse and other existing buildings would be demolished.

The land to the east and west of the principal building, formerly used mainly as playgrounds, and that occupied by the buildings proposed for demolition, would accommodate the new build elements. These would contain the hotel bedrooms and leisure facilities (including the spa and ballroom).

The immediate public realm around the site, including the entrance to Calton Hill, would be upgraded.

Dates for public exhibition of the plans have yet to be finalised.