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If you’re thinking of travelling to faraway parts next week, be aware that new Leith Walk parking arrangements just north of Pilrig Street are being phased-in from Monday.

These affect unloading and loading, and customer parking for up to an hour.

Officials will adopt a softly softly approach to those who misunderstand the new system next week. But from  Monday 9 March transgressors can expect to feel the full weight of the law.

Under the new scheme, a half-metre gap is to be left free between parking bay and cycle lane, so there is now no excuse for sending a bicyclist cartwheeling over your open door.

Anyone caught encroaching on the cycle lane will get a Penalty Charge Notice and could have their vehicle removed.  It would be more fun if they also had their doors confiscated.

‘We know this will be a real benefit to local businesses and shoppers, says Transport Convener Leslie Hinds.

‘Cyclists and buses will also find the route easier to use once enforcement has started as it will help tackle issues of double parking as well as parking in the cycle and bus lanes.’