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Ground at the southern end of the Rodney Sreet Tunnel beneath Summer Bank has being prepared by Council staff to create a wildflower meadow. 

It will bloom over the coming months from mid-summer to autumn.

CEC North Team planted marigold, aster and thlapsi, corn flower, alyssum, Californian poppy, pot marigold, Virginia stock pink, dwarf morning glory, love-in-a-mist, flowering flax and godetia.

These, they say, will result in a range of ‘sweet purples, playful yellows, radiant reds with a splash of wispy whites and baby-blues’ to produce ‘stunning eye-candy effects’.

Anyone feeling bilious at the prospect may prefer to concentrate on gullies under the path between King George V Park play equipment and Scotland Yard. These have been improved, meaning – in theory – no more flash floods for cyclists to fall into.