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It’s not what it looks like ...

That is to say, Phoenix boss Gwyn Roberts, sporting a snazzy phoenix-themed hoodie, was not entering a stage magician’s convention, but preparing to negotiate an underinflated set of rugby posts bending before the breeze in advance of today’s Six Nations encounters.

‘I should be OK,’ he told Spurtle, stooping to get in, ‘so long as a busload of leprechauns turns up.'

As well as the usual Saturday morning drizzle, love was in the air this morning on Broughton Street.

St Valentine’s Day is, of course, just around the corner, although Coco Chocolate appear to have more of a sweet tooth than a sweetheart. 

Artisan Roast are making promises for an early evening event of songs, stories and coffee – some of them free.

And – nudge, nudge, wink, wink – Villeneuve Wines are making suggestive comments about some broad in the basement. The bad news is, to paraphrase the immortal words of Dame Shirley Bassey, she don't pop her cork for every guy she sees.

If you're out and about in Broughton this weekend, and you have a camera in your pocket, we'd love to see your photos. Send them to us, please, via email  Facebook Broughton Spurtle  or Twitter @theSpurtle