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A baker lad was charged with walking on the foot pavement with a large basket of bread upon his head, contrary to the regulations of police; and upon being challenged by the police officer, refusing to go off, or to give up his name. Nothing can be more dangerous to foot passengers than bakers carrying their bread on large boards and baskets along the foot pavement, and many persons have been severely injured thereby. The Magistrate, therefore, to mark his determination to prevent this offence in time coming, fined the offender in ten shillings. 
Caledonian Mercury, Monday 10 May 1819
The practice of bakers carrying bread on large boards on their heads on the foot pavement has lately become a great nuisance. This day two of them were summoned before the sitting Magistrate for this offence. One of them, who behaved with great insolence when quarrelled by the officers, was fined 10s. 6d. and the other 2s. 6d. We understand it is determined to enforce the regulations of the police on this subject. This is the third instance within these few days of convictions for this offence, which, it is hoped, will have the effect of preventing its being committed in future.
Caledonian Mercury, Monday 17 May 1819
This morning, in the Police Court, the Magistrate fined two baker lads 10s. each, for carrying their bread baskets on their heads on the foot pavement, to the danger and annoyance of the inhabitants. This practice the Magistrates are determined to punish most severely, and not withstanding the many examples already made it is extraordinary that bakers will still persist in it.
Caledonian Mercury, Thursday 27 May 1819
A baker’s apprentice in Nicolson’s Street appeared on a complaint for carrying his basket on the foot pavement. The Magistrate stated the nature of his offence to him, and the penalty he had incurred; but as he appeared sorry for his imprudence, and it was the first complaint against him, he would not enforce the penalty, but declared that the Magistrates were determined to put a stop to the nuisance, and observed, that ignorance could not be pleaded in excuse, the clerk of the Court having sent a letter on the subject to every master baker in Edinburgh.
Caledonian Mercury, Thursday 1 July 1819
Edinburgh, Dec. 15. 1819.
At a General Meeting of the Incorporation of Bakers, held this day, Deacon Sawers laid before them the resolutions agreed to by the Convenery, on the 14th instant, which were unanimously approved of, and the members present declared their readiness to give every assistance to the constituted authorities, by immediately enrolling themselves, either as special constables, or other armed associations now forming for the preservation of the public peace; and while this Incorporation regrets that so much turbulence and disquietude has manifested itself in several parts of the the country, subversive of the good order and peace of society, they, at the same time, most feelingly sympathise with the present distressed state of the labouring and industrious poor, and authorise their Deacon to co-operate with the Magistrates, or other public bodies, in devising means for their temporary relief.
Signed, in name and by authority of the Meeting,
THOs. SAWERS, Deacon.
Scotsman, Saturday 18 December, 1819