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As reported in Issue 210, the new owners of Gayfield House at 18 East London Street seek to upgrade the historic Category A-listed Broughton landmark they have adopted as a family home (Ref. 12/03731/LBC).

If consented, most striking among the proposed changes would be reinstatement of a lime harling and limewash to the exterior. This would cover the building's familiar bare-stone, crumbling Scottish-pile appearance (as recently modelled by a set in the new James Bond Skyfall movie), and restore it to how it first appeared when completed in the 1760s.

The move would considerably improve the structure's ability to withstand Scottish weather, and perhaps also the unwanted attentions of any mad, disaffected, former MI6 agents hovering overhead in an attack helicopter.

Gayfield House's basement, under separate ownership to the 3 storeys owned by this applicant, would also be included in the proposed exterior limewash treatment.

Conservation architects Simpson & Brown refer in the application to the addition of 4 new roof lights (2 each on the north and south-facing elevations), and the replacement of modern sash windows with new ones to match the original window. An interesting trompe-l'oeil upper sash on rendered masonry is proposed at the first-floor level above the front door.

The application also includes plans for a new gas supply and boiler. Some Spurtle team-members know quite a lot about gas from bitter personal experience: we refer readers to Breaking news (23.9.09).


The Royal Botanic Garden's application to build a small pavilion with an Aeolian Harp inside (Ref. 12/03218/FUL; Issue 211) has been granted. We wish the project calm seas and a following wind.











An extension to and change of surface for the private tennis courts on Calton Hill have been given the go-ahead (Ref. 12/03085/FUL; Breaking news, 11.9.12).

Spurtle rejoices at Regent, Royal and Carlton Terraces Garden Committee's athletic success, and hopes that it may soon be able to afford a nice trampoline.