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Persephone Belle

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Seasons gratings! And in the words of The Waitresses ‘Bah, humbug! No, that's too strong – ‘cause it’s my favourite holiday!’ What’s for fun in frosty, festive Broughton?

Fancy working up an appetite for the big festival of the mince pie? Get along to Inverleith Park on Sun. 6 Dec. for the annual Edinburgh Christmas 5k Run (9.30am), 6 mile Walk (11am), and Golden Tinsel Mile (11.30am) for less energetic types! Open to all, with charity Christmas stalls and festive music. Get the Santa hat on, and raise money for your favourite charity – or just walk for fun! Free entry. To register:

If you enjoy munching meatballs and singing (but not at the same time, pur-lease!) get along to Joseph Pearce’s of Elm Row for its traditional Lucia Night, when Anna and her lovely staff will be singing traditional Lucia songs, dressed in beautiful long white goonies and candle crowns! The procession visits Boda in Leith Walk (7.45pm), then Victoria (8.30pm), ending at Joseph Pearce’s (8.45pm) on Sun. 13 Dec., free. Hoggytastic! Bring in the bells in fabulous funky style at the Voodoo Rooms’ Motherfunk Hogmanay Party – 5 rooms of rare ’n’ classic floor-shaking ’60s and ’70s grooves, deep funk, Latin, soul, and more – hmmm, well you can ask the DJ for The Bluebell Polka by Jimmy Shand, but they might not have it! 19a W. Register St, tickets from the venue, £5, 10.30–3am (

Peace, love and happiness to you all for 2010!

Till next time!

Persephone Belle