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Starbucks plan to open a new outlet at 45 Leith Street. (The premises are just uphill of the footbridge, on the left hand side as you approach Calton Road.)

The proposal emerged as details went online yesterday of the chain's application to install new signage (Ref. 11/01008/ADV).

We suspect that few locals will care much about the addition of a hanging sign and individual letters on a modern shopfront, but those who appreciate the diversity of cafés and carry-outs nearby may perhaps begin to worry.

Is this a new magnet in Edinburgh's East End, or a new nail in the coffin of Broughton's distinctive, small independents?


Owner Laura Strong, acting through Edinburgh architects Groves-Raines Architects Ltd, has applied for permission to convert part of the existing Grade B-listed building at 2 Hart Street Lane, currently used as office space, to one residential dwelling (Ref. 11/01903/LBC).

This is the building Spurtle first reported as perhaps being an original Huguenot Temple, and close to a more recent controversial development proposal (Breaking news, 26.1.11).

The proposal would entail demolishing an exisiting stair and internal walls and installing a new stair, internal walls, new fittings, kitchen, sanitary and drainage arrangements. No external alterations would be necessary except replacement of windows and door to north elevation, and installation of additional roof lights.


Napier Interiors seek permission to revise already consented plans for a new shop at 30 Canonmills (Ref. 11/01042/LBC, see also Ref. 10/01908/FUL and Issue 185).

They want to 'adjust' the level of a wallhead to the rear of the premises and install a new zinc roof over part of the building's rear.