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Telefonica UK Ltd – as part of its ceaseless efforts to beautify the historic cityscapes of Britain – seeks retrospective planning consent for a face-mounted micro-cell antenna on the ground-floor facade of 126–8 George Street (Ref. 11/01875/FUL). The fixture (in situ, undetected, since 1999) is attached to the frontage of a bar named after Alexander Graham Bell, who would surely have approved. He is pictured here blowing into a prototype breathalyser.


No planning update would be complete without mention of the Cameron Guesthouse Group's ongoing plans for a hotel at 38 York Place. This week, they have submitted proposals for the much vaunted new and improved kitchen arrangement which would – if approved – allow guests to sample unmicrowaved food (Ref. 11/01779/LBC).


Sojourn Hotels' hopes to highlight their Hotel Indigo by erecting an illuminated indigo name-sign on the façade of 51-9 York Place have been knocked back (Ref. 11/01262/LBC). Planning officials thought it would have an adverse effect on the A-listed building's special character and architectural integrity. Follow the link above and click on 'Visualisation of signage' for an artist's impression of how lovely the proposed sign would have appeared had it gone ahead.