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Residents in McDonald Place and McDonald Rd must be feeling under siege at the moment as two potential local developments demand their attention.

Carrick Motorcycles, currently of Queen Charlotte Street in Leith, are applying for permission to open a sales (200 square metres) and service centre (390 square metres) at 21 McDonald Place (Ref. 10/02918/FUL).

Situated between the Territorial Army hall and private housing, the proposed garage would operate between 9:00am and 6:00/8:00pm, seven days a week. An additional nine motorcycle parking spaces are planned onsite.

The premises – vacant for several years and 'at risk' – enjoy planning permission for change of use to 11 flats, but there has been no uptake of this option.

In a supporting letter, David Paton Building Consultancy stresses that modern-day 4-stroke Yamaha motorbikes (the kind in which Carrick specialise) are no noisier than cars, and that the volume of traffic to and from the site is unlikely to be as great as during previous uses, particularly when it operated as an electrical wholesaler. Furthermore, future activities would not entail use of fork-lift trucks or heavy stacking.

‘However, it is considered that whilst the residents in McDonald Road will certainly become aware of the motorcycle sales/servicing use, likely only by virtue of long vacancy ... The “Carrick Motorcycles” management have a good neighbour-relations history in their present premises ... They have every intention of maintaining that reputation by communicating with their new neighbours in this new location, to ensure minimum disturbance.’

It will be interesting to see how local parents react to the possibility of increased, quiet motorcycle traffic so close to a primary school.

                                                                              [Photo courtesy of Fir0002/Flagstaffotos]


Neighbours have received notification that the Planning Subcommittee is 'minded to approve' planning permission for Foremost Properties (Scotland) LLP's major residential development at 132 McDonald Road (Ref. 10/01514/FUL; Issue 185).

Jackie Bell, speaking for locals, writes: 'While residents are happy that we are nearing a final decision for the site, there are a few details which were noted in our objections and supported by the Community Council which I feel would benefit from some further consideration'.

Ms Bell is therefore appealing to her local MP, MSP and councillors to press for further consideration of:

  • Reductions to massing (height)
  • Insufficient onsite parking (which does not match the Council's own standards and sets a dangerous precedent for other potential developments nearby), particularly in light of the stalled trams project
  • Inadequate landscaping to soften the development's impact.