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A dance studio is proposed as part of the new Block C development at 19 Beaverbank Place (Ref. 13/04167/FUL). 

Behind the proposal is KLG (Scotland) LLP – a faraway (Canning Street Lane) company of which we know nothing.

It is expected that the studio would commence with 'pole fitness classes' before progressing to different dance-style classes as the business developed. Typical opening hours would be from 9am–9pm, with between 4 and 18 clients expected at any one time (maximum capacity 40). Typically they would be aged over 18, although children's classes are also envisaged later.

An acoustic assessment of the proposal says that remedial measures would ensure noise from the ground-floor premises (already consented for use as gym space) would not disturb those in the 5 storeys of student accommodation adjoining or above.

No vehicle parking spaces (garaging or open) currently exist for the site, and no new ones are proposed. One wonders whether this may prove a problem.

In general, however, a dance studio seems an excellent use for the space and one which – prices permitting – would be popular with students and more permanent residents in the surrounding area.


The application to change the use of 11 Gayfield Square (currently the Whitespace Gallery) from Class 1 to Class 11/mixed use has been withdrawn (Ref. 13/03377/FUL). 

Proposed activities included 'selling exhibition and occasional performance space but most often mixed use, with potential to house: yoga, dance and related well-being classes, rehearsal and related activity for theatre TV Film and Ad agencies, photography shoots, product launches and related sales and promotional work'.

The reason for withdrawal is not clear.


An application to erect 2 illuminated signs at 6 Multrees Walk reveals the imminent arrival of Burberry Ltd (Ref. 13/04111/ADV).

The luxury fashion retailer is famous for the weather resistance of its waxed outdoorwear. Its decision to set up a 5,000 sq.ft shop in what Multrees Walk marketers describe fancifully as 'Scotland's Bond Street' will therefore delight rain-sodden East European oligarchs, their security advisers and personal assistants the length and breadth of Broughton.

The recent appearances here of Nespresso, Tommy Hilfiger, Hugo Boss and Michael Kors point to the area's 'increasing international appeal', a spokesperson for the much ram-raided shopping mall told Retail Week recently.

Spurtle is unable to substantiate suggestions that a newly designed, limited-edition Spartak Moscow tartan baseball cap will be sold exclusively through Harvey Nic's this Christmas.

Burberry last had a standalone store in the capital in 1999.