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Planning consent is sought to convert a basement suite of 4 offices into a 2-bedroom dwelling at 12 Cumberland Street North East Lane (Ref. 12/04564/FUL). 

The proposals, drawn up by Leith Walk-based architects Smith Scott Mullen Associates, are described with admirable understatement as requiring 'some internal renovation with the removal of a number of walls to create a contemporary open plan interior'.

We think we counted at least three walls intended for the chop, which may explain the – to untrained ears, worryingly vague – marginal remark on the drawing: 'POSSIBLE BEAM REQUIRED'.

Given that the property has only 2 windows and a light well over the door, one of the project's main challenges seems to have been how to avoid creating a posh but gloomy bunker. (The gloomy bunker pictured above is for decorative purposes only, and has no connection whatsoever to the property described in this article.)

The imaginative solution is to widen the entrance (and the light well above it) and replace the existing door with storm doors. These could then be left open when the property is occupied, thus allowing Edinburgh's bountiful light to pour in through a new, fully glazed secondary door and screen set slightly behind, thus maximising 'light and views to the new living area'. A Planning official has, apparently, already signalled likely agreement to this aspect of the proposal.

Anyone worried about the preservation of the Category B-listed basement may take comfort from the architects' assurance that 'Internally, any items of historic interest that may have existed have already been removed during previous renovations and in our opinion there are none remaining'. 


Spurtle last mentioned Smith Scott Mullen Associates in relation to exciting proposals for renovations at the Royal Botanic Gardens (Breaking news, 6.11.12). A public exhibition of these at 20a Inverleith Row is scheduled for 14–18 January 2013, and plans will also be available on the Botanics website from 14 January–14 February 2013.