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The Ambassadors Theatre Group seeks planning permission to build a new covered walkway at the Category-A listed Playhouse on Greenside Place (Ref. 14/04559/FUL).

The new structure would, they say, provide new access to the car park for staff, and a valuable fire escape. 

‘Although part of the existing elevation will be obscured by the proposed walkway,’ say ATG’s agents, ‘we feel it will not be detrimental to architectural features displayed from this elevation, in its location well below the front entrance façade, with an obscured view from Greenside Lane.’

Two years ago, ATG successfully applied to build temporary access behind the Playhouse so that Lion King performers could sneak off the stage and pounce on audience members from behind (Breaking news, 22.11.14).

Spurtle sniffed disapprovingly at this addition, and was backed by a massive wave of indifference from readers and built-heritage commentators alike. Undaunted, we remain equally sceptical about this new permanent addition, particularly since it is described merely as 'valuable' rather than 'necessary'. Where will it all end?

In support of its latest application, ATG has once again submitted a 'Design and Access Statement' full of fascinating detail about the building’s conception, design, architectural and cultural contexts, and history of modification.

Once again, we attach it in full.

[Image: ©JThomas and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence]


@theSpurtle the International a Space Station has an external ramp, apparently. #planning