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Separate incidents on the same day have led to Edinburgh Police appealing for witnesses. 

The first (Incident no. 3698) happened on Monday 23 July, at around 7.25pm, when a female was struck by a male cyclist (perhaps in his 30s) on a pedestrian crossing between Gayfield Square and London Road. She was taken to hospital with a head injury. 

The cyclist stopped but did not leave contact details.

Police are keen to trace him.


The second involved an (unrelated) serious assault about 3 hours later. It happened on the southside pavement of Princes Street, opposite Marks & Spencer (Incident no. 4535).

At around 10.35pm, a 37-year old man remonstrated with a group of  6–7 teenage males who were ‘hassling members of the public’ at the bus stop. 

The youths then attacked him, causing serious injuries to his face. They are described as being aged around 15–16 years old, and dressed in dark puffer jackets. Police urge anyone who witnessed the assault to contact them.

In both cases, Tel. 101 or call Crimestoppers (anonymously) on Tel. 0800 555 111.