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With new legislation coming into force in September, Police Scotland and British Transport Police are this month busily reminding scrap metal dealers about their revised responsibilities. 

‘Despite a decrease in reported offences,’ says BTP’s Chief Inspector Stuart Wilson, ‘metal theft still incurs considerable cost to the Scottish economy and continues to disrupt and inconvenience the communities we serve’.

Nefarious practice makes perfect

The new guidance comes not a moment too soon:

Four young boys were detected, a few days ago, by the Police, in a house in Broughton Street, a known receptacle for stolen lead, &c. having in their possession about 50 lb. weight in bags, newly cut off a lodging in Moray Place.

This nefarious practice, so prejudicial to the industrious tradesman, has been carried on to such an extent, that, in order to show the determination of the authorities to put a stop to it, the case of these boys has been remitted to the Sheriff.

A quantity of wrights’ tools, &c. have been discovered, which are supposed to have been stolen by this gang.

Edinburgh Evening Courant, 29 November 1828