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Submitted by Editor on

Never too far from controversy (Issues 49,147,155,168), the former swingers’ club, private gentlemen’s establishment, and health club at 51–3 East Claremont St was raided on 15 February shortly before 6pm.

Police arrived in 7 vehicles, battered their way through the the front door, and searched the property using dogs and powerful lights.

Intruders were thought to be hiding in the roof space. At least one man was detained and taken away. ‘You’ll never read about this in the papers,’ said the police officer questioned by a Spurtle source.

The A-listed property has been abandoned since a serious fire in May 2007. It is now believed to be in the property portfolio of Shaf Rasul's Newbridge-based East Coast Property.

We'll report further details if and when they're available.

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