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Police in Edinburgh are appealing for information about Finnish tourist Riina Elisabeth Sjögren who went missing on Tuesday 9 January.‎ We reproduce their press release below. 

The 38-year-old was last seen on Tuesday 9 January when she arrived in York Place at around 10.20pm.

Riina had bought a plane ticket at Edinburgh Airport earlier in the day but left the airport at around 8.50pm to take the tram to the City Centre. 

Ongoing enquiries have established that Riina visited Edinburgh Castle on the evening of Monday 8 January and that she left a number of her belongings at the airport. 

Officers are growing increasingly concerned for her welfare and are asking anyone with information to come forward.

Riina is described as white, 5ft 3ins tall, of medium build with long dark brown hair and wears glasses. 

When last seen she was wearing dark trousers, and a blue cardigan with a red or pink top underneath and a black and white scarf.

Chief Inspector Alan Carson from Edinburgh Division said: 'It has now been a week since Riina was last seen and I am eager to hear from anyone who has seen her since this time.

'We know she alighted the tram at York Place from the airport at around 10.20pm last Tuesday but since then she has not been in contact with family or friends.

'I would ask anyone who has seen Riina, or who knows of her whereabouts, to contact us immediately.'

Those with information are asked to contact us via 101, quoting incident number 3748 of 9 January.

UPDATE 16.1.18

Following a media call this morning, we have some fresh details to add,

Riina spent Christmas with family in Helsinki. During this time she was unusually withdrawn, and there is some concern for her current mental health. 

It was understood she would be staying in London after the holiday, to look for a new job as a language teacher. (She is a talented linguist, speaking Finnish, Swedish, English and Hebrew.) Instead of staying in London, however, she travelled to Edinburgh by train, arriving on 8 January.

Riina is known to have visited the Castle whilst here. On 9 January she bought a return plane ticket to Amsterdam, but did not board the flight. She left a rucksack (purple with white spots), containing personal possessions and her passport, unattended at the Gate, and afterwards left the Airport without it.

She is thought to have walked from the Airport to Gogarburn, where she caught the tram to York Place. She was last seen facing towards the Omni Centre.

In addition to the description above, she was wearing round-framed glasses and walking boots.

Her behaviour is described by her family as very out of character. 

Police have again asked for anyone who has recently seen Riina, or knows of her current wherabouts, to contact them by phoning 101.


Great news! Riina was found safe at 9am this morning in Palmerston Place. Police have thanked the public and media for raising awareness and remaining vigilant.