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A 31-year-old woman walking from the New Town to Stockbridge was attacked and left unconscious by a man on Friday 20 August between 9:00pm and 11:00pm. Police have appealed for witnesses.

The victim, who sustained a facial injury, later regained  consciousness under McKenzie Bridge and phoned family members for help. She had not been robbed, and police suspect it was a sexually motivated attack. After treatment in hospital, she was released.

The woman had been heading home from the New Town and walked along Heriot Row, Gloucester Lane and into India Place before being attacked as she walked onto McKenzie Bridge.

Lothian and Borders Police's Detective Chief Inspector McKenzie says: 'She recalls being grabbed as she walked past India Place, but then it is a blank until she came round some time later'.

A full forensic team was investigating the scene this afternoon, with house-to-house enquiries and a finger-tip search of the area scheduled for later.

Anyone who was near India Place, Dean Terrace, Saunders Street, McKenzie Bridge and the Water of Leith last night – even if  unaware of having witnessed anything significant – is asked to contact Lothian and Borders Police on Tel. 311 3131 or anonymously through the charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

No connection has being drawn, but this is the second serious offence in this part of Edinburgh over recent days. On 14 August, a 26-year-old man was assaulted and robbed in Stockbridge (between 7:30 and 8:00am) by a young man who had first approached the victim on Queen Street. The culprit was last seen running towards Saunders Street.