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An as yet undisclosed number of young people who had hoped to vote in next month’s Ward 12 (Leith Walk) by-election will not be able to do so.

The news emerged today in a letter posted from the Electoral Registration Officer to all those affected.

Ms Joan H. Hewton FRCS explained that poll cards/postal letters had been mistakenly issued to some under-18-year olds in Ward 12.

Whilst the Scottish Elections Reduction of Voting Age Act 2015 has been passed, reducing the voting age for Holyrood and local-government elections to 16, the legislation won’t come into effect until 5 May next year.

Too late for the 10 September by-election.

Ms Hewton apologised for any inconvenience caused by the mistake, which she blamed on ‘a production error’.

Spurtle doesn't yet know the full extent of the blunder, but understands that it has certainly impacted some of those active citizens who were 16 at the time of the Scottish Independence Referendum last year.

Meanwhile, those who are eligible to vote have until 5pm on Wednesday 2 September to apply for a new proxy vote. Download a form here

Applications for an emergency proxy vote (caused by medical emergency) can be made until 5pm on Thursday 10 September.

For any enquiries, Tel. 344 2500 or e-mail