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For the third consecutive year, Art pupils at Drummond CHS have undertaken a project with support from SNIPEF, the plumbing trade association based at Bellevue House on Hopetoun Street.

This year’s scheme, which involved eight S1 pupils, was based on the collage work of Eduardo Paolozzi (1924–2005). Paolozzi was brought up in the area, went on to become a world-renowned artist, and is credited with being the founder of Pop Art.

Drummond Art teacher Philippa Drummond came up with the idea that the pupils could produce prints which included plumbing fittings and confectionery (in recognition of the fact that the Paolozzi family had a sweet shop on Albert Street).

After preparing sketches on their mini iPads, eight S1 Pupils were selected to spend a day at Edinburgh Printmakers on Union Street where they produced silkscreen prints of their work.

This project was recognised as part of the school’s work under a 'Translation in Modern Italian Cultures' project with St Andrews and Queen Margaret Universities (Issue 225).

The prints – which were initially displayed in the Arts Theatre foyer at St Andrews – have now been presented to SNIPEF and will be displayed in Bellevue House along with the artwork produced in the two previous years.    Robert Burgon, Chief Executive, SNIPEF