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The Marshmallow Lady’s erotic, Valentine’s Day-themed window display has had us slightly disturbed since its first appearance on Rodney Street at the start of the month.

It’s not the sight of an adorable Cupid grown into the full magnificence of manhood that bothers us.

Nor is it the dangerous positioning of the safety pin.

No, what keeps nagging at the back of Spurtle’s mind is that the face resembles someone in the public eye, but we can’t put our finger on him.

There are days when we think he looks like a melancholy Alexander McCall Smith.

And others when we’re reminded of the Daily Mail’s Paul Dacre.

Then again, sometimes, when we least expect it, images of a semi-naked Iain Duncan Smith MP spring unbidden to our mind.

Do readers have any other real-life look-alikes they’d care to suggest? If so, please contact us at or @theSpurtle or Facebook

[McCall Smith image by Tim Duncan, Creative Commons


@theSpurtle Looks like a Heriot Row chap in his weekend Smurf outfit.

Dominic Berry A round-faced, bad tempered old man with what looks like a huge chip on both shoulders. Now who could that be?

 Dominic Berry Also, his nose gets longer and longer as he keeps telling more porkies.