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Around 80 people gathered in Rosebank Cemetery this morning to comemorate the victims of the Gretna Rail Disaster nearly 100 years ago. Below is an extract from the address by the Revd. Ray Williamson.

Almighty and Eternal God, we come before you in thanksgiving ever remembering that your Divine hand has ever been upon this Nation in its hour of need. On this day, we especially remember the 214 soldiers of the 7th Leith Batallion of the Royal Scots who died in the Gretna Rail Disaster on the 22nd May 1915 and all those who were affected in its aftermath, those disabled in body and mind, those who lost loved ones that awful day and the devastation it wrought on Leith families for generations to come. Pray God, we never forget the disaster or its cruel cost.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning / We will remember them.

The names and addresses of the dead appear in the jpgs at the foot of this page.

