Underbelly seeks approval to alter and replace the current gate and railings into East Princes Street Gardens, at the junction of Waverley Bridge and Market Street.
It also seeks to remove and replace a tree, and to erect temporary fencing panels (Ref. 15/05077/FUL).
The changes are 'urgently' needed in order to ‘allow access to Princes Street Gardens by delivery vehicles associated with Edinburgh’s Christmas’.
Basically, the plan entails widening the gate by 1,250 mm ‘or thereby’, and broadening the curve of the access road within the Gardens. Some new tarmac will be put down and setts relaid.
Underbelly’s agent Turley indicates on the application form that the proposal is not for new or altered vehicle access to or from a public road. It also asserts that the proposals do not entail any changes to public paths, public rights of way or public rights of access. Spurtle finds both statements hard to reconcile with the plan.
Sketchy information
The removed 10–15-year-old Himalayan birch will be replaced by one of similar age 2 metres to the north. Another tree will be donated to the Council for planting wherever it wishes.
One drawing vaguely suggests how the former arrowhead railing pattern will be repeated in the replacement gate, but no timetable is given for this and no standard of manufacture detailed.
Nor is it specified anywhere for how long the temporary Heras fencing panels will be required or where they will be situated.
No specifications are given for the new tarmac and precise position of setts within the Gardens.

So what?
Eagle-eyed readers will already have noticed that this proposal is for a site well outside Spurtleshire, and so may wonder why we’ve bothered to mention it.
We think it’s important because, rather like our own dear bubbling quagmire in St Andrew Square, it involves private enterprise – in an arrangement with City of Edinburgh Council – seeking to change a sensitive architectural space for its own commercial ends.
And in this case, work to make the changes began on 2 November … two days before Turley first submitted an application form.
- Why did Underbelly not adjust its attractions and/or service vehicles to match the pre-existing conditions?
- Why did it not submit its proposals much earlier, allowing sufficient time for them to be examined in advance?
- Why has it now provided such scant detail?
- Will CEC officials demand greater clarity or is this application a mere formality?
- Is this cart-before-horse approach really the best way to proceed in a World Heritage site?
Got a view? Tell us at spurtle@hotmail.co.uk and @theSpurtle and Facebook

Edinburgh Spotlight Outrageous. Great reporting as ever.
Len Nicholson Retweeted Broughton Spurtle
This is disgraceful . . .
@theSpurtle @JudithRosalind You should include them in these tweets!
.@theSpurtle East Princes Street Gardens & St Andrews Sq completely ruined by these 'festivals'. City centre looks like a war zone just now
Jill Ogle-Skan Typical of the Underbelly. Thinks it owns the Gardens. Hope the Council acts fast, but I expect their thoughts are focused on trams and suchlike. Well done Broughton Spurtle
@theSpurtle @edinspotlight This is all getting a bit annoying now! #ParkSpoliers
@CityCycling @theSpurtle love reading opinions but do think your sense of perspective needs a reality check here http://www.cityam.com/227069/the-10-places-to-live-in-the-uk-for-the-best-quality-of-life …
@LeithCitizen @CityCycling Spurtle's perspective is that an orderly planning process, particularly in EWH site, is key to retaining top spot
@theSpurtle the volume of rubbish that went to landfill after their stint in George Sq. after Fringe was disgusting. Not a fan.
@theSpurtle Underbelly's agent appears to be a Turley voting for Christmas.
Of course these things are fun, but at the end of the day they are just temporary tat. If they want to set up in the gardens then they should deal with the infrastructure around gardens, not the other way round.
Ian Dooner I'm surprised they even asked for planning permission to be honest, retrospective or not. They must have been forced. Long as they make plenty money, they don't give a hoot.
@theSpurtle Next Week In The Spurtle: Waitrose apply to extend London Street Grocers as their proposed superstore doesn't fit. Ffs.
@theSpurtle That's mental. World Heritage Site? Fuck that, I can't fit a transit in it, rip it down, start again.
Ally Tibbitt Retweeted Broughton Spurtle
Another brilliant post from @theSpurtle
@allytibbitt @theSpurtle comments thread strikes me as a bit like reading Lord of the Flies in a wellheeled but perspectiveless echo chamber
@LeithCitizen @allytibbitt Oh God, no. Not the café at Marks and Spencer.
@theSpurtle Keep us posted. Why should big money get to bypass the application process?
It's about time we - the citizens of Edinburgh - told the Council to call time on these endless festivals and... http://fb.me/BYB7AG6o
@Chandalf @theSpurtle seconded
@LeithCitizen @allytibbitt Setting aside alleged heels/pig's head, perspective works in 2 directions. Thread also suggests public ... [1/2]
@LeithCitizen @allytibbitt disquiet at CEC's ability & willingness to control private partners in civic spaces. Not just posh moaning. [2/2]
@theSpurtle @allytibbitt 2/2 leaving aside it's complete lack of relationship to reality.
@theSpurtle @allytibbitt it was the "Edinburgh is a war zone" comment in particular that I took objection too, in this week #Paris etc.
@LeithCitizen @allytibbitt OK. Understood. Agree – most things pale by comparison.
Jo Fawcett Yup.. Underbelly have ruined the markets..very disappointing the last couple of years..We're off to Cologne this year instead..
@theSpurtle FFS Underbelly also to turn royal mile into a ticketed 'venue' for all Dec - issued 130000 tickets BEFORE they got their licence
@theSpurtle half the nights are now sold out and yet still no info for neighbours or local residents about licences and access to homes etc
Colin Brown I walked past this earlier this evening, having tried to negotiate the Mound just yesterday. I found myself musing about the ownership of the city. It now feels as though it's become a giant playground. When we first had the German market, it was a welcome addition to the Christmas cityscape for a couple of weeks or so, in a relatively limited space. Now the whole of the East Gardens and St Andrew Sq are occupied territory. I feel alienated from the city I inhabit and love.
Emma Elizabeth Ciarrocca Really disappointed with underbelly and turley. It should know better than to mess with a world heritage site!
@LeithCitizen @theSpurtle @allytibbitt Why does this have to be about a class war? Is about gradual destruction of WHS while CEC stand by.
@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle @CityCycling I do, but I draw the line at people saying eh a war zone. I travel worldwide & no-one thinks that
@LeithCitizen @theSpurtle @CityCycling Are you in this debate as a resident or as a CEC officer? The two things seem blurred in your mind.
@NTCleanStreets @theSpurtle @CityCycling it's not blurred in the least4me. Edinburgh is the place I'm from,call home,UK's #1 quality of life
@LeithCitizen You've misquoted my simile..Events in #Paris were awful. But there are far worse warzones #Gaza @theSpurtle @allytibbitt
Craig Begg It's like on big plastic city now! Arse holes will ever spend any money at that crap support our shops and investments in the city.
@musesings13 @theSpurtle too many of these festive 'interventions' are just horribly gimcrack -- is there no quality control?
Roberta Buchan I find it unacceptable that request for planning permission follows alterations. I think the cause of delay needs looking into to pursue a way of reducing likelihood of future repeats. Otherwise give it a year or two and what will be left of the gardens. Are they a civic amenity or there for convenience of profiteers? Further, how can informed permission be granted without adequate spec for the replacement work on gates and fence?