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We loved this modest work’s massive simplicity.

Ian Runciman’s watercolour ‘Elephant’ is one of 15 works in the Flora and Fauna exhibition at the Gallery on the Corner.

All the artists are part of Artisto Cats, a Midlothian Council-supported group of 12 men and women with learning disabilities based near Dalkeith.

The group meets twice a week to develop their art with the help of two Council employees. They hope one day to become a social enterprise.

Not all the works photograph well owing to light bouncing off glass in the gallery, but you can see them for yourselves at 34 Northumberland Street between now and the end of the month.

Meanwhile, in another part of the gallery space, mountainscapes by regular Keith Salmon have taken a turn for the bluer. His acrylic and pastel ‘Towards Glen Coe, late afternoon, January’ (80 x 80cms) is particularly stunning.

‘It’s based on the view looking towards Glencoe on a very cold January afternoon,’ writes Salmon. ‘We’d had a short but enjoyable walk in deep snow up the Devil’s Staircase but the snow was too bad to venture up on the tops as we’d planned and so we’d retreated and were heading home. It was a long way to drive for such a short walk but that’s the way it goes sometimes and at least I got a painting out of it!’

Remarkably, Salmon is registered blind.