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Do you like beer? 

Do you like craft beer? 

Do you like drinking craft beer not too far away from your home or workplace in Broughton? 

Readers who can answer Yes to any of the above may be interested in the EDINBURGH CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL taking place on 24–25 May in the Biscuit Factory

Spurtle has two tickets (worth £45 each) for the opening Friday session to give away. Simply EMAIL US with the answer to the following question and we’ll pick the winners from a shooglie hat at noon on 10 May. Please type BEER PRIZE in the subject line.

Unless you’re a winner, we won’t keep your details or share them with anyone else. If you are a winner, we’ll forward your email address to the organisers so that they can send you a code to claim your prize online.

If the question below is too difficult, you can find out how to buy a ticket the old-fashioned new-fangled way HERE.

PRIZE QUESTION: Where will this year’s Edinburgh Craft Beer Festival be held?