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A quick survey of windows this afternoon revealed a mixture of voting intentions in the heart of Broughton.

The sash pictured here is quite unambiguous. The flag draped next to the sign for Union Street says it all.

On this street alone, Spurtle counted seven separate households with referendum signs on display. Four were for Yes, three for No. 

If there is any intimidation or fearfulness in this part of Edinburgh, we are glad to report that we have witnessed no evidence of it. Not only neighbours but even dwellers within the same household seem perfectly comfortable about making their political feelings known.

Elsewhere in Edinburgh, campaigners had formed a giant Yes sign overlooking Holyrood.

It may have been designed primarily to attract the attention of the broadcasters below. NBC News have parked themselves on Calton Hill.

Closer inspection of their equipment suggests they're taking this referendum very seriously indeed. We know tomorrow will be historic, but does it really match the Allied invasion of Normandy for drama?