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Remembering the Holocaust

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Each year at Drummond CHS we remember the millions who died in the Holocaust and in other genocide attacks since World War II, writes Annie Scanlon the school Librarian.

This year  Shirley-Anne Somerville, MSP talked to the students at the start of a whole school memorial assembly. There followed by a very moving drama performed by students and staff about the build-up to the Holocaust.

Complementary events took place in school. S1–3 English students researched past and present genocides, and studied the diary of Anne Frank. An exhibition on Anne Frank ran for a week in the school concourse, which all S1-5 students visited with trained S6 guides. Eighteen S6 students and 4 staff went on a 2-day visit to London to see the Holocaust exhibition at the Imperial War Museum.

Learning how these appalling events happened will hopefully make our students understand how important they are in preventing genocide in the future.