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Residents associations across Edinburgh are rallying to support vulnerable locals who may need their help. 

We reproduce a list of those ones in Spurtle's area of operation, with thanks to Simon Holledge who compiled it. 

If you become aware of a constituted body offering similar help anywhere across Spurtleshire, let us know and we'll add details as soon as we have them.


This list first appeared on 26 March. Since 30 March, we've been admitting non-constituted bodies, having conducted some rudimentary checks on the phone numbers, addresses, and names of individual organisers.

Please supply these details if wishing to join the list. Sorry – it may seem sniffy and ungrateful, but we are doing as much as we realistically can at short notice to safeguard vulnerable locals from a small minority of chancers.

The list was last updated on 10 April 2020.

Albany Street 
Initial notification: paper registration form
Type: WhatsApp group
Contact and email: Nicholas Hotham, <>

Bellevue Crescent Support Group
Type: email/phone network
Contact and email:
Tel. 0131 556 5397

Central New Town Association

Area: Heriot Row (west section) in the South, to Circus Lane in the North

Type: email network

Email: Alistair Stein

Cumberland Street Support Group
Contact and email:

Drummond Civic Association
Initial notification: email
Type: coordinator linking those in need with volunteers
Contact and email: <>

East Claremont Street Covid-19 Support Group
Type: Facebook group
Contact: email:

Eyre Crescent Community Hub
Type: email/phone & text/WhatsApp network
Contact email:

Fettes Row and Royal Crescent Residents Association
Type: Facebook Group

Gayfield Square Support Group
Initial notification: paper leaflet
Type: email/phone network
Noticeboard: Gayfield Square Garden
Contact: Laura, email <>, Tel. 07821474590

Great King Street Association
Initial notification: paper registration form
Type: WhatsApp group of 15 volunteer helpers
Coordinator email: <>

Heriot Row Association (for Heriot Row East)
Type: six households volunteering to help those in need

India Street Association
Initial notification: email to ‘patch’ representatives

Lord Moray Feu
Initial notification: paper leaflet
Type: coordinator linking those in need with volunteers
Coordinator email and tel. no. restricted
Additional support: Facebook Group

North Edinburgh

COVID-19 Foodshare Group:


Northumberland and Nelson Street Association (incorporating Abercromby Place)

Type: WhatsApp group


Picardy Place Association
Initial notification: email
Type: coordinator linking those in need with volunteers
Contact email: <>

Powderhall Village Owners' Association (PVOA)
Type: private group on Facebook,
Royal Regent Carlton Terraces and Mews Association
Initial notification: paper leaflet
Type: coordinator (Alice Samtoy) linking those in need with volunteers
Coordinator tel. no. restricted
Coordinator email: <>
Additional support: Facebook Group



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