Braving 360º summer mizzle on 7 June, a small but enthusiastic crowd witnessed the 1 o'clock unveiling of a plaque at 6 Brunton Place to the memory of Frederick James Ritchie, former Broughton resident and horological pioneer (see Issue 183).
District Gunner Edward McCarthy, who fired Edinburgh's 1 o'Clock Gun from 1968 to 1972, did the honours, noting that Ritchie had probably done more than any other Broughton citizen to frighten horses in the neighbourhood.
McCarthy was assisted afterwards by the 1 o'Clock Gun & Time Ball Association's mascot Blue (pictured above, not in uniform).
Also present at the event was David Watt (pictured below), local historian, Ritchie descendant and for many years a dedicated Spurtle contributor/distributor.
All photos courtesy of John Lovie.