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Submitted by david on

Spirits buoyed by the lovely spring-like weather, Friends of the Rocheid Path made great progress last weekend and successfully brought order to a row of hollies at the west gate.

The plan now is to clear away basal growth to make them look more like trees again. Work on 8 of the 12 trees is complete, so one more day of action  should complete the task. Then, hopefully, the Council will remove the mountain of debris.

The next planned day for volunteers is Saturday 16 March, once again from 10am until 2pm. Bring secateurs and anything else you think might be useful. Everyone is welcome.

The proposed action day on 17 March is now postponed until Sunday 24 March.

Friends of the Rocheid Path is a group dedicated to restoring (and improving) the popular pedestrian and cycle route along the Water of Leith between Canonmills and Arboretum Avenue following recent floodworks disruption. 

For more information (and to confirm if you intend to show up on 16 March), email Josie at